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Observations of the Dragon Universe, vol. 1

These reports were prepared by Osmant Amarinth, a chemical researcher, and Phanta Sea, a wandering voyager of different “universes”.

Materials Out of Bounds (O)

Upon discovering Subject A, which was known to be a “Kinopotto” in Ventaxy’s research terms, I studied the creature, which led me to Remnisia, part of Ventaxy’s clusters of galaxies (I believe it was the Chi Cluster). How a strange dancing mushroom ended up in our own universe, the Dragon Universe, remained a mystery. 

Consulting the advice of fellow researcher, Phanta Sea, who voyaged to different universes far from ours, I made the decision to observe Ventaxy using the “Floating Ark” – a self-made hot-air balloon by Colorless Being and others. The Ark was able to navigate to different parts of the Ventaxy Universe.

Based on observations using my research instruments, I have discovered that “vent matter”, the primary driving force of this universe, has an unstable nature, causing it to leak outside of the Bubble Barrier. This might have brought Subject A to the Dragon Universe.

This might also explain the emergence of hostile creatures, known as the Inner Demons in our local language, which Colorless Being mentioned have originated from their Universe. However, this does not prove how Goljinger and Atlapis – two creatures who are apparently from another universe known as the Dot Friends universe – emerged in the Dragon Universe as well. I left that matter to Phanta for a separate report.

Materials Out of Bounds (P)

Continuing Osmant’s report about the Crossover Phenomenon, upon my own observation, the Bubble Barrier of the Dragon Universe is composed of a different material that is highly permeable – meaning it can be easily entered by most matter from the surrounding universes. This presumably caused the neighboring universes of Dot Friends and Ventaxy to leak out some of their creatures.

Upon further observation thanks to the Space Module Station provided in our universe, we have observed the movements of the different universes as bubbles. Each bubble moves at an irregular path and follows no particular pattern. 

We currently do not know what driving force is controlling the universe. Speculation could be that the will of the residents becomes the fuel of each universe and where it is headed next (and which universe it might have a close encounter with). 

Dragon Universe not only has an extremely permeable Bubble Barrier – but it also has a strong magnetic force that somewhat attracts nearly every universe it passed by. We found no similar energy or magnetic force in the universes previously observed, such as Ventaxy and Dot Friends. Furthermore, it seems to have an erratic movement and a slightly faster speed than most bubbles. Therefore, Dragon Universe has a special nature that sets it apart from other universes.

Dual Dragon Universe (P)

The term “Multiverse” can be perceived in two ways: (1) different universes with different characters, backgrounds, and narratives gathered together to form a multiverse; or (2) two or more individual universes having striking similarities. We shall discuss the second one.

The nature of our Dragon Universe (from here on, we shall call it DU-2) is that it presumably split from an original Dragon Universe (DU-1), based on the archives I found in Iecaniartis (an icy region in DU-2 said to have a counterpart in DU-1). 

Based on the observations of a mainstay in Iecaniartis (a part-time ship captain and tavern regular), DU-1 still exists but is “in the shadows”, and we are on the obverse side. In his research, DU-2 events are similar to those in DU-1, albeit names have been changed. 

We currently do not have enough evidence regarding this matter.

Dual Dragon Universe (O)

Surveying different residents of Downtown City, such as Alto, the chief barista of a coffee shop, we found a few interesting clues about DU-1.

He, too, observed an irregularity while patching their Blooming Brewsz signboard for their coffee shop. They observed glitches that revealed a differently-shaped letter or pattern, but it quickly “repaired itself” so it was not properly observed.

When asked about their opinion on this matter, Alto believed that it was not a major concern. Dragon Universe (DU-2) lives in a harmonious state thus far, but he did state that it was “still interesting to know” that there is, indeed, a “shadow” of our current universe.

While we may not know much about DU-1, perhaps what matters most is that DU-2 appears to be stable thus far – and is slowly recovering from its “sunken worlds”.

Conclusion (O, P)

The Dragon Universe is an ever-magnetic presence among the sea of the currently known and observable multiverse that we reside in. Its properties enable it to conveniently pull entities from other universes.

In a future report, we shall conduct experiments and list results together regarding the World Sinking Phenomenon. In both DU-1 and DU-2, there are sub-worlds that are “sunk” in our universe. We shall attempt to unearth the mystery of how such phenomena happened (and are still happening today).


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