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Melancholic Interlude

One by one, some messages were stuck to the Iecaniartis Black Tree.

"Please...I don't want this universe to something...(crying)...I know I did say I wanted to destroy everything...and I was sick of my own stagnant story so I evolved into something ████...and lost all hope...but really...I don't want to disappear...I don't...(crying)"

- "a quarter life"

"I...don't know what to the one who kept sinking worlds...I relate with ████; it would be a waste. All my efforts would've been for nothing! Why did we exist, anyway? Why did our universe came to be? Heck, why is it even called Dragon Universe in the first place? Perhaps ████ knows the answer. But what I do that I believe you should follow your heart. We'll be here for you, no matter what happens."

- "the abyssal sea"

"Aww...that's a bummer...but I understand, you've been through a lot already. But yeah, I don't want my coffee shop to just disappear like that...this coffee shop is my life! So please...I'll do anything to help you feel better about this universe again! Hehe!"

- "chief barista of Blooming Brewsz"

"It's our fault...I knew it. You and I...we were just too stubborn until the end. We thought we learned already, but here we's your choice? Will you save Dragon Universe? Every universe around it will be greatly affected. Whatever your decision is, we'll be ready to face it."

- "skating in water"

"Dear ██████, please don't destroy my home. ███████, my █████...and my ███...and everyone else...I will be sad if we have nowhere to go. We might not talk much but I hope these thoughts reach you. And if you're sad, we'll be here for you. We'll make lots of choco milk at █████'s home bar! So...pretty please?"

- "crimson beginning"

"It's been a while. I thought you didn't want to talk to me anymore, are things? I hope they are okay. I hoped that you are still following your heart and not lying to yourself, although it can be difficult, right? I'll be and her...stubborn as can be...but it's okay...can't be helped...if you can't do this for yourself, at least think about us, especially ██████ who calls this her home. Everyone else is hoping that things will be okay. I know that Quasaria has been prone to many disasters already, and the Dragon Universe may be perhaps the one most prone to such. So, I ask of you...give us the live in peace...for everyone's sake...and's okay to cry about it, just remember that we're here for you. Just like he wished for you as well."

- "███████"

"I heard the news...I hope things will be okay here soon. I don't have much to say, except take care. Just follow your heart, I guess. Everything will eventually fall into place."

- "██████"

"As someone originally from the Dream World, it's sad that this universe is even more unstable than my old one...but I still have hope that we can fix this. You're free to tell us how you feel, and you're safe here. This is your universe, just like every single one. Don't feel bad about it, because it's what you call 'home' yourself."

- "████████"

"It's okay. It's okay to feel this way. Though, I'm not provoking you to destroy everything after the ███ incident. Just like everyone else who's still here, all I want is for your happiness. There are many worrisome and unpleasant memories for all of us, but we got through them together! Your choice if you want to leave the painful past behind, because you've already learned from it. Just enjoy what you have now...that is all. Thank you for keeping me."

- "Kageda Rin"

"I'm so confused about what's happening lately...but ████ gave me all the details. I, too...I feel like I am close to breaking down like him...falling prey to my own inner darkness. I still have a long way to go, but...for my sisters, for my new friends, for everything in this world and universe that I want to protect...I'm willing to change for the better and give my life...just to help you save this world..."

- "ice cheetah"

"Whaddya mean? I just got here...and now we're being driven away to nothingness? Nope, no can do! Won't allow it! Heheh, we still have a long way to go, my friend! Look at the falling snow, the moving stars, and the remaining balance in your account. Life still goes on, and it's not over 'till it's over! As your new trusted friend, I shall help you on your way! (winks)"

- "sodium laurel sulfate-free"

"Thank you for helping my brother awaken from a cloud of lies. Thank you for giving him a better perspective of the world. Finally, he understands me!"

- "thunder cheetah"

"You know...after all my time in the Dragon Universe, I've seen it grow, evolve, and I've seen every person trying to fight every single day to survive. I want to give them hope, but it has to come from you, ██████. I'm sure he will be proud of you, and I know he is. With you, I hope we can continue to fight for everything majestic and awesome in this world! As cliche as it sounds, the moon and the stars will always watch over you...and all of us!"

- "tuna (not canned)"

"Our world, Lanados, has always been disappearing a lot, and I understand why. We could just survive on other worlds, such as Skaiaretta City, or me being a pianist in Veneziatto. But...I hope that this universe won't disappear for good. Others already probably told you this, but I also want to protect everything we all fought for."

- "I want to protect the new blue agent as well"

"Just like a beautiful architectural plan...this universe has been built in the most marvelous way. It would be a shame for it to topple down and disappear into nothingness! As a building expert myself, you can count on me!"

- "fabcon"

"Are you okay? Well, it's okay not to be okay...we'll get through this together!"

- "the one who was challenged by a duck"

"Even as a harbinger of chaos, as a challenger of this world, I don't think it's a good've always used this universe of ours to let out your happiness, sadness, and everything in between. The lesson of've learned it many times but still's understandable, and I know you are working so hard to keep this world together. A world without challenges is a boring I hope you keep us and keep adventuring..."

- "not a furniture guy"

"I, too, am new here, but I hope we put that initial misunderstanding behind us. I can see you've learned. All I that you stay true...don't be ashamed of what you believe in. You may not know much about me, and that's okay. You've always been asking, anyway. Let's hope we can heal this universe, just as I heal others..."

- "dps hates me"

"As someone who is new here, the Moon Guardian is right...thank you for giving us a chance to fight for everything majestic in this world. The galaxies will bring a night glow and will always watch you."

- "coffee lover"

"I don't have much to say, but I hope, like the others, we can all go on expeditions together. Thank you for giving me the opportunity and getting to know me."

- "robot designer"

"Our research team hopes that the Dragon Universe can continue to survive and thrive so that we can unlock more about its scientific mysteries."

- "Osmant Amarinth & Phanta Sea"

"Our home has been destroyed one time, but we're here to help. As Ventaxy had been rebuilt, I'm sure we can keep this one. We won't let this universe disappear."

- "Corda Benevolencia"

"I heard from a friend that the Dragon Universe is in danger, so I came here to help, alongside Corda. We'll do everything to keep it all together. We'll make things nice!"

- "Luna Xenophora"

"Hey, we might not have been talking much anymore, but thank you for remembering story. With this detective and his lawyer girlfriend, we'll slowly come back around, so we can go on new adventures together."

- "camel"

"It's hard to say 'please don't give up' as I, too...I wanted to give up one time. But it was he who helped me realize what's important, and I found it in this universe, in you, in everyone. Let's have new adventures together, soon."

- "visitor to Spicy Club"

"We both felt sadness left behind by other versions of us in parallel universes...but you gave us hope. A hope we called 'ever glow'...thank you."

- "a marriage proposal in Veneziatto"

"Thankful for your efforts. No more will the 'limited' have to be 'time-bound' - they can go as they wish. After all, this is your universe, one of your universes. Cherish it and enjoy."

- "three thousand dreams"

"Lonely no more...friends are here..."

- "lone wolf standing on the hill"

"Thank you for always remembering Serajasia."

- "Luminice_01110010"

"Looking for someone? I'm here! We're all here! We're your friends, and we'll never let this universe down! Hehe!"

- "a key"


"To you who read this, I hope these messages will get through somehow...hoping for the best. There might be more, but this is all we have for now. Thank you for being by our side for a long time. '████' mostly insisted on compiling this, and I hope his plan works..."

- "will continue to market his sunblock brand" 


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