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Interviews with Transcenders, File 001 - Keuze Baikiyuuzun

The following is a transcript of an interview with Transcender No. T792-001. This data shall only be used for educational and research purposes as approved by the BSPM.

Izeuke: Good day, sir! First of all, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Izeuke Ezei, a field researcher from the Bureau of Super Power Management. We are conducting interviews to better understand Transcenders in terms of their daily life. Please be aware that this interview shall be recorded for educational and informational purposes. Is that okay with you?

Keuze: Yes, I don’t mind. Go on.

Izeuke: First of all, I would like to confirm your data.

Full name: Keuze Baikiyuuzun. Birthday: October 10, 1999. Occupation: pharmacist, pharmacy owner. Some of your hobbies include reading novels and brewing tea. Normal height: 5 feet and 11 inches.

Genetic Alterations: green hair and eyes, improved vision, muscular build, + 5" height, and a deeper voice. Power modes: Leaf Sanction - converts plant energy into projectiles and returns the energy back to the plant. Herbal Healing - heals self or others using the power of nature. Poison Shade - launches a ground shadow that can poison enemies when contacted.

Are these correct to the best of your knowledge?

Keuze: Indeed, those are correct data. You guys do a great job at keeping profiles, I have to say. So, what aspect of my daily life are you willing to know about?

Izeuke: Well, as a pharmacist who has prior knowledge of the human anatomy and the nature of Enidoukans possessing special physical qualities that break the current law of physics, we are greatly interested in your observations regarding being a Transcender.

Keuze: Oh, okay. Which part of my life would you like to begin with?

Izeuke: First of all, in your observation, does using your Power Mode deplete your stamina significantly? Would you tell us about your experiences?

Keuze: Ah, yes. Transcenders’ Power Mode often piques the curiosity of researchers I know. As you may know, Power Mode can indeed consume stamina, but it can be adjusted. We Transcenders have a so-called “Power Scaling” wherein we can adjust the intensity of how much power we can use. Thus, you may see it as having a duller hair and eye color combination as opposed to being vibrant. Would you like a demonstration?

Izeuke: Oh, yes, please! If you don’t mind. I would also like to take the opportunity to observe the physical changes, seeing as this is my first time interviewing a Transcender. (Bag zipper and metal clanking sounds) I’ll be using some measuring and inspection instruments, which I’m sure you’re aware of, given you are in the medical field. Is it okay?

Keuze: Sure, I don’t mind, hehe. A nice change of pace to become the patient this time.

(tape measure and caliper sounds)

Izeuke: Let’s see…height…5 feet and 8 inches…

(shining effect sounds)

Izeuke: 5 feet and 11 inches…slightly colored hair and eyes…

(tape measure and caliper sounds continue, with pen writing sounds)

(shining sounds)

Izeuke: And now…6 feet and 1 inch…vibrant hair and eye colors…. astounding…

Izeuke: Well, it would seem all the data in my measurement guide is correct. I have to say that I am greatly surprised and amazed at how Transcenders can alter their DNA in a split second. Don’t you agree?

Keuze: (in a deeper voice than earlier) As a pharmacist, I, too, agree with you. Heheh.

Izeuke: Up to how long can you stay in Power Mode?

Keuze: Hmm…depends on how much I ate…similar to how we expend stamina after running or working out. I might not be a licensed doctor yet but I advise my fellow Transcenders who are patrons of my pharmacy to keep their carbs intake in check. They need to have the power to use their Power Mode…. get it? (chuckles)

Izeuke: (laughs) Nice one, sir! But on an estimate, how long can you last?

Keuze: Maybe…about 5 hours or so. But hey, every Transcender is different! Some can last only 30 minutes or less, but the norm is at least 1 to 3 hours. It may also depend on the intensity of their Power Mode, which they can control.

Izeuke: (writing sounds) Wow…okay, noted! So, do you, by any chance, use your Power Mode for any daily activity?

Keuze: For my customers, usually not – medical practitioners and pharmacists alike follow a code, which I don’t want to break. Moreover, I’m not a doctor, unlike Ms. Tara Nizeya. My Power Mode healing abilities are very limited compared to my main ability. Furthermore, I am only able to heal a person’s stamina (e.g., in battle or physical activity), plus it also consumes some of my stamina, so I have to think twice before doing it. This is what we literally call “giving your life” for your sworn profession.

Izeuke: Interesting…so that’s why even though you and Ms. Tara Nizeya are both in medical fields, you still don’t get a swarm of patients or patrons because you still stay true to your professionalism.

Keuze: Indeed. However, outside my work as a pharmacist, can’t say I don’t use my Power Mode for activities such as redecorating. With this body, there’s no need for a ladder…and compared to my original body, I have better strength when it comes to carpentry and repairs, hehe.

Izeuke: Oh right, speaking of your “improved physique”, if they ever caught you in your Power Mode, what do your customers say about it?

Keuze: Haha…that’s a funny one. Let me give you a brief memory I had. There was this gym coach who went to buy protein supplements. He caught me mopping the floor while I was in my tank top, so naturally, he saw my biceps, a peek at my pecs, and a bit more skin than usual. He was like, “damn…took me years to achieve that…yet you can just transform in a second…” so I had to explain it to him: “Sir…Transcenders have a limit of 3 to 5 hours for their Power Mode. Unlike you, I can’t stay buff for 24 hours or more!” Then we both laughed, and his mind was opened.

Izeuke: (laughs) That’s indeed a nice memory. At least, one person was more enlightened on how you guys have limits, too.

(phone ringing)

Keuze: Sorry, please give me a moment. Hello? Kiuya?

(indiscriminate male speaking through the phone)

Keuze: Oh right…sorry…there’s a researcher here from the BSPM…I’ll be right there in a few minutes.

(indiscriminate male speaking through the phone)

Keuze: Yes, yes, I know. Take care. Love you, see you later!

Keuze: Apologies…is it okay if we call it a day for the interview? Almost forgot I have a date with someone. Are there any more questions you need to ask?

Izeuke: Actually, none…although I’m a bit curious about the person who called you since I will be interviewing someone else named Kiuya as well.

Keuze: Ah yes, Kiuya Arikezeun, a design engineer. And yep, we’ve been together for about 4 years or so. He’s such a sweet and loving guy who never fails to bring joy to my monotonous life. I mean, working for a toy company requires a lot of imagination and enthusiasm, and those qualities are clearly found in him.

Izeuke: Wow, talk about coincidence! He’s the one on my next schedule! Thanks for a bit of background! Sir Keuze, I am grateful for this interview opportunity and happy for both of you! Take care and have fun on your date! I’ll be taking the interview data back to the Bureau for data keeping and study purposes. Thanks again!

Keuze: No, thank you! I’m fortunate to be able to impart some insights and personal experiences as a Transcender, which might help the Bureau with studies to improve our welfare. Anyway, you are most welcome. I hope your interview with him goes well!



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